
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Work In Progress--Knitting Edition

So I'm totally knitting, again. It goes in waves, like everything does, so I'm seizing on this desire to knit and running with it.

On the needles right now: SUPER AWESOME KNUCKS (fingerless gloves that one embroiders with an 8-letter saying, a la knuckle tattoos).

Here's the pattern: Knitty: Summer 2006

Here is where I was two days ago:

I'm knitting the fingers two at a time (thumb, thumb; middle, middle, etc), so that way once I have all of them done, all I'll have to do is the joining round, knit up the hand, and decide how long I want the cuffs to be (in all likelihood they'll be as long as I have the patience for).

These are the coolest thing I've knitted to date. I'm beyond a novice knitter, but I wouldn't quite label myself as "experienced," so this is a pretty cool challenge for me. These ones that I'm working now are my practice pair, to see if I can decipher the pattern instructions, and produce some really bitchin' gloves.

Of course I'm thrilled at the thought of being able to embroider whatever I can dream up on them...but I bet you can guess what it'll be :) 

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