I will say it again--I'm quite new to blogging. Hell, I'm quite new to thinking I have anything to say that's worth writing down. I am still figuring out my voice, and as such, I was not sure if I should post this or not. I wondered if I should "keep it (this blog) light," or restrict it to one topic only. But...I knew when I was starting this that I would have a hard time keeping to one topic, be it crafts, knitting, tattoos, mommyhood, or what have you. And the fact that one of the few blogs I follow is written by a woman to whom nothing is off-limits factored into my decision as well. I don't want to feel like I have to censor myself. Now, nothing I say here is "shocking" or a "great revelation," it's just that for so long I've squashed my voice that even making a (partial) list about myself is a pretty big deal.
So here you go. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and the placement of entries is in no particular order. Also, I need to quit stalling and just hit "publish post."
I am: a woman
in a relationship with my best friend and partner
a mother of three
thirty years old
extensively tattooed
empathetic, sensitive, supportive
actually quite tall
I have: mad baking skillz
a tendency to overanalyze
a Boston Terrier
bipolar disorder
a gigantic collection of books
dyed hair
a loud voice
I can: knit and crochet quite well
read extremely fast
make amazing pie crusts
make a mean latte
appreciate the talents others have that I do not
I'm learning: how to be my authentic self
self discipline
very basic beginner baby HTML
I'm trying: to not apologize so much for everything
to be consistent
to keep on top of housework
some new knitting techniques
to improve my memory
I want: an ice-cold Mexican Coke
to play a slot machine
to not feel the need to excuse myself for who I am
to dye my hair again
to make wickedly cool stamped metal jewelry
to have my knuckles tattooed eventually
to learn how to draw
I need: a tea kettle
to call my Grandmother
to stand up straighter
to stop worrying
a new pair of jeans
to drink more water
to relax.
I left out some things--like my love of M*A*S*H, Doctor Zhivago, red velvet cake, Little House on the Prairie, and twitter. BUT REST ASSURED, they are on my list of "AWESOME."
Also, the list of blogs I follow is embarrassingly small, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know, as I'm always looking for great ones to read (that means if you have a blog, I really really want to read it!)
OK, tatoo mama, let your voice out of the bottle. Uncork it and let the genie, and genius, fly. What's to lose? Finding your voice, to change metaphors mid-stream, may be something like finding the coin you've tossed, long ago, into the wishing well.