Every day I think of something to blog (no, really), but...well, a whole summer at home with the boys took up 99% of the time (the other 1% I was sleeping or reading or knitting or making jewelry or sitting out on the back steps while my eyes rolled around independently in their sockets o_0).
BUT! Summer is over! School started yesterday--Sammy started 3rd grade (so we shook hands in lieu of me hugging and kissing him before school) and Little E is in the 1st grade now (yeah, I hugged his head in a manner that was humorous to him and his friends, but still satisfied my need for MOMMA HUG BABBY).
My older brother came back in late June for his annual Return to America with students from the junior high where he teaches. He arrived bearing gifts, including this...well, I guess it's a teddy bear, for Jasper:
- Sam learned that turning too abruptly while riding his bike (which is some kind of BMX style bicycle, the handlebars/front part can spin a full 360) leads to spectacular falls.
- Sam also learned the meaning of the term "road rash."
- Eddie learned how to ride a 2 wheeler!
- I learned that I am not quite suited to running alongside a nervous 6 year old as he's learning to ride a 2 wheeler #nervousmommy
- Both boys learned that sometimes kids are mean, sometimes some kids say things to hurt other kids, and that, in fact, some kids say swears and flip other kids off :(
Such a summer. A list of the things Jasper did could be another entry in and of itself, so maybe I'll do that.
*Also: if you thought the part where my older brother and mother think my tattoos are offensive was AWESOME, you're in for a real treat here soon!) #detailsarecoming #teaser
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